About me

Bay Area born and raised.

I grew up in a small city called Martinez, which is in the East Bay of the San Francisco Bay Area region. Martinez is a great city and I am proud that I started here because it is home to so many amazing souls. I've tried to continue a relationship here after college and as I begin my professional career with the community here by coaching basketball and keeping up with childhood friends.

College and my early stages.

I have my bachelors of science in marketing at Saint Mary's College of California. Here I studied theory and practice and also took my studied internationally to continue my studies in an international market atFudan University in Shanghai China.

My philosophy on What
marketing means

From my lens I discovered that marketing elements are practically in everything around us. Evolutionarily speaking, we naturally have influences that become drives for our lifestyles, choices, habits and behaviors. This is where the science of marketing and art have a interesting relationship especially in regards to strategy. As marketers we can take control of these elements and direct them to create generate demands in markets where it initially never existed.

How I started designing.

I have always had an affinity for great design and the harmony it can create with online experiences. The early stages of my career gave me a more practical sense through the responsibilities I had. I started off creating digital assets and as my skill advanced so did my assignments. That included co-directing, producing and maintaining our brand identity’s, visual appeal and meaning in the digital space using graphical elements. Here I learned how design can be used as a tool to do create incredible results. I have done a little bit of everything such as designing assets for environments such as the web, social media, email newsletters, blog posts, banners, convention media kits and partner app marketplaces.